This film shows the early pioneering work of 3D reconstruction from CT and MRI scans performed in the years 1986-1991. Highlights include the first 3D reconstruction of the brain of a living person (4:00), the first 4D reconstruction of a beating heart from ECG-triggered MRI images (5:36) and the first virtually unwrapped Egyptian mummy (7:20).
Authors: Karl Heinz Höhne, Wolf-Joachim Höltje, Henning Krämer, Werner Lierse, Rainer Maas, Bernhard Pflesser, Andreas Pommert, Kay Priesmeyer, Ernst Richter, Martin Riemer, Thomas Schiemann, Rainer Schubert, Christian Seebode, Ulf Tiede
Although originally produced in digital format, this video was copied from Betacam tape.
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