In 1992, we submitted four images to the SIGGRAPH conference, all of which were accepted for the official SIGGRAPH ’92 Slide Sets.
Bernhard Pflesser, Karl Heinz Höhne: Multiple ray casting: Human heads. SIGGRAPH ’92 Technical Slide Set, Slide 20. Computer Graphics 27 (1), 1993, 27-30.
Ulf Tiede, Karl Heinz Höhne: 3D anatomical atlas of a human head. SIGGRAPH ’92 Technical Slide Set, Slide 21. Computer Graphics 27 (1), 1993, 27-30.
Andreas Pommert, Karl Heinz Höhne: Volume visualization of blood vessels within their anatomical context. SIGGRAPH ’92 Technical Slide Set, Slide 22. Computer Graphics 27 (1), 1993, 27-30.
Karl Heinz Höhne: 2300 year old Egyptian mummy. SIGGRAPH ’92 Stereoscopic 3D Slide Set, Slides 23-24. Computer Graphics 27 (1), 1993, 39-40.
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