Independent validation studies of the VOXEL-MAN surgery simulators and other commentaries on our work from scientific and artistic perspectives.
Lauren Bolton, Emma Gill, Savan Shah, Jaydip Ray, Gaurav Chawdhary: Trainee-reported outcomes of otology simulation training: Examining effectiveness of the VOXEL-MAN temporal bone simulator as a training adjunct in mastoid surgery. Cureus 17 (1), 2025, e77360.
Alexander Yao, Emma Richards, C. Lucy Dalton: Trainee-perceived benefits of a virtual temporal bone competition. J. Laryngol. Otol. 138 (8), 2024, 864-868.
Nadine Geppert: Visible Human Project: Geschlechterrollen in Animation und Illustration von Anatomie. Hauptseminararbeit, Fachgebiet Kunstgeschichte, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, 2022.
Franziska von Aspern: Von Vesals Fabrica zum Voxel-Man Atlas: Bildstrategien zwischen Ästhetik und Wissen. Masterarbeit, Kunstgeschichtliches Seminar, Fachbereich Kulturwissenschaften, Universität Hamburg, 2021.
Florence Rogister, Caroline Salmon, Alexandre Ghuysen, Peter J. Andrews, Pierre Bonnet, Séverine Camby: Virtual reality surgical simulation as a tuition aid for understanding surgical temporal bone anatomy: Trial on 15 ear, nose, and throat registrars. B-ENT 16 (2), 2020, 103-108.
Katherine Steele: Training in temporal bone procedures. ENT Audiol. News 26 (1), 2017, 106-108.
Marion Varoquier, Charles P. Hoffmann, Cyril Perrenot, Nguyen Tran, Cécile Parietti-Winkler: Construct, face, and content validation on Voxel-Man simulator for otologic surgical training. Int. J. Otolaryngol., 2017, 2707690.
Asit Arora, Andrew Hall, Jalpa Kotecha, Christopher Burgess, Sam Khemani, Ara Darzi, Arvind Singh, Neil Tolley: Virtual reality simulation training in temporal bone surgery. Clin. Otolaryngol. 40 (2), 2015, 153–159.
Asit Arora, Chloe Swords, Sam Khemani, Zaid Awad, Ara Darzi, Arvind Singh, Neil Tolley: Virtual reality case-specific rehearsal in temporal bone surgery: A preliminary evaluation. Int. J. Surg. 12 (2), 2014, 141-145.
Robert Linke, Anke Leichtle, Farah Sheikh, Christian Schmidt, Henning Frenzel, Hendrik Graefe, Barbara Wollenberg, Jens E. Meyer: Assessment of skills using a virtual reality temporal bone surgery simulator. Acta Otorhinolaryngol. Ital. 33 (4), 2013, 273-281.
Asit Arora, Sam Khemani, Neil Tolley, Arvind Singh, James Budge, David A. Diaz Voss Varela, Howard W. Francis, Ara Darzi, Nasir I. Bhatti: Face and content validation of a virtual reality temporal bone simulator. Otolaryngol. Head Neck Surg. 146 (3), 2012, 497-503.
Howard W. Francis, Mohammad U. Malik, David A. Diaz Voss Varela, Maxwell A. Barffour, Wade W. Chien, John P. Carey, John K. Niparko, Nasir I. Bhatti: Technical skills improve after practice on virtual-reality temporal bone simulator. Laryngoscope 122 (6), 2012, 1385-1391.
Sameer Khemani, Asit Arora, Arvind Singh, Neil Tolley, Ara Darzi: Objective skills assessment and construct validation of a virtual reality temporal bone simulator. Otol. Neurotol. 33 (7), 2012, 1225-1231.
Robert Nash, Richard Sykes, Anooj Majithia, Asit Arora, Arvind Singh, Sam Khemani: Objective assessment of learning curves for the Voxel-Man TempoSurg temporal bone surgery computer simulator. J. Laryngol. Otol. 126 (7), 2012, 663-669.
Guna Reddy-Kolanu, David Alderson: Evaluating the effectiveness of the Voxel-Man TempoSurg virtual reality simulator in facilitating learning mastoid surgery. Ann. R. Coll. Surg. Engl. 93 (3), 2011, 205-208.
Claudia Reiche: Digitale Körper, geschlechtlicher Raum. MedienAnalysen Bd. 12, Transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, 2011. Zugl. Dissertation, Kunsthochschule für Medien, Köln.
Kamal-Eldin A. Abou-Elhamd, Ali I. Al-Sultan, Usama M. Rashad: Simulation in ENT medical education. J. Laryngol. Otol. 124 (3), 2010, 237-241.
Susan Arndt, Rainer Beck, Christian Schild, Tanja Daniela Grauvogel, Roland Laszig, Antje Aschendorff: Management of cochlear implantation in patients with malformations. Clin. Otolaryngol. 35 (1), 2010, 220-227.
Molly Zirkle, David W. Roberson, Rudolf Leuwer, Adam Dubrowski: Using a virtual reality temporal bone simulator to assess otolaryngology trainees. Laryngoscope 117 (2), 2007, 258-263.
秦笃烈: 可视人真实可视化的突出进展–Voxel-Man (4) . 中国医疗器械信息11 (1), 2005, 48-50.
秦笃烈: 可视人真实可视化的突出进展–Voxel-Man (5) . 中国医疗器械信息11 (2), 2005, 62-64, 71.
秦笃烈: 可视人真实可视化的突出进展–Voxel-Man (1) . 中国医疗器械信息10 (4), 2004, 43-47.
秦笃烈: 可视人真实可视化的突出进展–Voxel-Man (2) . 中国医疗器械信息10 (5), 2004, 64-68.
秦笃烈: 可视人真实可视化的突出进展–Voxel-Man (3) . 中国医疗器械信息10 (6), 2004, 41-44.
Dale A. Charletta: A computerized three-dimensional atlas of the human skull and brain. Am. J. Neuroradiol. 14 (3), 1993, 560-561.
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